Art Washes from the Soul the Dust of Everyday Life. Pablo Picasso


Saturday, January 29, 2011

On the Way to Cozumel

This is the first time I've blogged an incomplete painting. There is much on my mind, making sleep far away. Rather than toss and turn and wake my sleeping husband I made coffee and contemplated what to paint. Yes, I made coffee at 2 am. I'm funny that way.

I have some unfinished commissioned projects I should be working on....but I need to buy some paint stripper to tackle one of the window frames before I can begin one...and the other can't be started until the first coat of gesso dries and perhaps another coat added.

I went through my file of photos I've saved for potential painting projects to see what, if anything, might jump out at me and say "paint me!!!" I kept coming back to one photo I'd received permission to paint months ago. I grabbed a small canvas and got to work.

I decided to blog as I go and let you see it as it progresses, and as I work on it between other projects. I'm hopeful the promise of a good beginning will result in a happy ending as well:

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